Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Movimiento Del Pueblo Fronterizo takes action

  Movimiento del Pueblo Fronterizo, a coalition of El Paso organizations met  Saturdayy January 22 to discuss issues in the community.
Lorena Andrade and Guillermo Glenn
Lorena Andrade of Mercado Mayapan reported on the decision of la Mujer Obrera to begin to cut hours of the mercado and to concentrate on the community organizing and the use of the cultural space. Ms. Andrade explained that the efforts to keep the mercado open distracts from their ability to organize. The mercado will downsize beginning on February. The cultural space,artsan booths, safe space for youth and food court will remain open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with Mujer obrera concentrating on organizing to bring or create jobs for women.
   Guillermo Glenn, labor organizer, commented that members of La Mujer will travel to Austin to lobby for the Governors Enterprise Fund. The organization believes that the funds should be used for small business and not to supplement big business in Texas and they intend to bring attention to the need of jobs and enterprise for our communities. Additionally there are plans to continue to petition HUD for funds for communities and not for the usual agencies that already have resources. Guillermo also noted that 280 Fortune 500 Companies do business in Juarez and are the beneficiaries of the so called border security. Tat funds are provided for high technology business while neglecting businesses and persons that work on businesses that don't employ high technology and essentially jobs are scarce for persons who do not persue higher education.

Carlos Marentes of the Farmworkers Union commented on the plight of the workers and the use of city funds for political purposes and the need to change their  laissez-faire attitude  for the economy of the city and commented on the need to insist on a working city council. 
Selfa Chew and Carlos Marentes

Selfa Chew Provided information on the Press Conference and protest of the abolition of Cesar Chavez holiday. The protest is set for Thursday January 27th at 10:00 am at leech Grove on the university canpus. Pete Duarte former head of La Fe Clinic and Thomason General Hospital and long time activist will be returning the UTEP Nugget award that he was given for his support of the University. It was suggested that all persons write about their displeasure of cancelation of the Cesar Chavez Holiday and that we shall never donate money to UTEP.  Ms. Chew also informed the organization that several teach ins on cesar Chavez are being planned for UTEP students who do not know about the organizers life and his importance to our History.                                

The next Foro Popular is being planned for February 12th concerning gender violence within the movimiento. Selfa Chew and Miguel Juarez are putting together the program.

Next meeting of the organization is set for February 26th

Carlos Marentes, Pete, T. Duarte, and Irma Camacho


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